Spiritual Talks 

A monthly online conversation on how we can approach these burning times to help bring forth a more liberating world in the ashes of the old


Broke, Busy and Alone: The Crisis of Social Reproduction

This online event is for people who want to learn about our society’s crisis of social reproduction and what Wildseed’s response is.










Past Spiritual Talks

June 27, 2024

This is the first of a 5 part series called “Navigating a world on fire. In this first session Reece and Aaron will give a big picture overview of what WildSeed sees as the core crises and then hold space for people to share how these crises affect their daily lives.

Watch the Video Recording Here>>

February 22nd, 2024

This Spiritual Talk will focus on the prototypes WildSeed is developing to offer off-ramps from our modern political economy towards a more liberatory social system. They will also discuss how Black movement history has inspired these prototypes.

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

November 16, 2023

This Spiritual Talk focused on both Erika’s personal journey to recognizing and planning for an extended sabbatical and the ways that her journey exposes the problems of how we fund and structure movement work. .

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

October 5, 2023

Aaron Goggans and Sandra Kim shared how the WildSeed Society is prototyping new structures of care, resourcing and wrap around support for movement organizers and community healers.

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

April 28, 2022

Erika Totten and Sandra Kim shared why and how WildSeed Society prioritizes rest and play in our movement and liberation work - even in the midst of organizational uncertainty and financial insecurity.

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

February 8, 2022

Aaron Goggans and Sandra Kim continue to share in this Part 2 of the Spiritual Talk given on January 25th on on what skillful and consensual care looks like, particularly in the context of organizations and movements.

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

January 25, 2022

Aaron Goggans and Sandra Kim will share on what skillful and consensual care looks like, particular in relationships across racial, culture and gender differences where people have experienced trauma in relationships and in communities. 

Watch the Video Recording Here >>

December 17, 2021

Aaron Goggans and Sandra Kim shared how the WildSeed Society uses the Buddhist concept of Right Livelihood to bring people together to build a new ecology where our needs can be met with dignity - through caring community and right relationship with the land.

Watch the Video Recording Here >>