about the team
The WildSeed Team
Meet the all-BIPOC core members stewarding the WildSeed Society!
Reece Chenault
The Ferryman to the Future
Reece has put in his dues as visible leader, first a union organizer and then as the executive director of US Labor Against the War and now mostly works behind the scenes.
Part ferryman getting people where they need to be and part Griot sharing the wisdom that arises from what we do when we arrive, Reece plays an invaluable support role to many movement spaces.
Recently Reece has been working with Justice Before Peace to build a BI-POC led working class anti-imperalist movement grounded in ritual.
Erika Totten
The Light Guardian
Erika Totten is a dynamic facilitator, pleasure activist, healer, spiritual life coach, and community builder from Washington, D.C. committed to the movement for Black liberation and the evolution of our collective consciousness. She is the founder and director of Unchained Visioning, a core member of Harriet's Apothecary Healer's Collective, and co-creator of Black Lives Matter: DC where she focuses on centering healing and visioning within activism.
From South Africa to Charlottesville, Erika creates and facilitates transformative healing spaces for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color of all identities to process racial stress and trauma, and to experience embodied liberation & collective Joy, in the midst of dismantling systems of oppression.
She is also a devoted wife and mother of two who organizes to build chosen families of health, restoration and radical love.
Aaron Goggans
The Dream Gardener
Aaron Goggans is a writer, facilitator, organizer and architect of the future. Aaron builds movement infrastructure before people know they need it and helps them achieve things even he never imagined were possible.
Aaron is a co-creator of Black Lives Matter: DC and a handful of other projects that have made liberatory marks on the world. He is currently the co-chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Sandra Kim
The Spirit Weaver
Sandra Kim is a movement chaplain who provides spiritual guidance and emotional support for people in social justice movements. She identifies as a mystic for the (re)volution. She is publicly known as the Founder of Re-Becoming Human and Everyday Feminism. Sandra is dedicated to living into spiritual and social liberation in each and every moment and nurturing loving communities that support these intentions. She shares key lessons from her own ongoing healing journey between internalized oppression and spiritual wholeness - as a person with multiple marginalized and privileged identities, as an organizational leader, and messy human being.
Sandra's life purpose is to live in deep communion with Spirit and support others in listening for their inner guidance and reconnecting with the Divine. She serve as a walking temple for people to be able take refuge in and to learn how to take refuge in themselves, each other, and the Earth.
She also identifies as a lay monastic and has been practicing Zen Buddhism for almost two decades. She weaves together her Buddhist practice, animist cosmology, and energy work to offer healing and spiritual teachings.
Chany Singh
The Back-House Magic
Chany Singh is our team Quartermaster and lead of Back of House magic. They are passionate about taking the visions we have and making them real, accessible, and enjoyable for our community.
Chany has worked as a virtual assistant and structural co-creator for seven years and has also recently been certified as a healing centered coach. They split their time with WildSeed supporting the team in creating programming structures and providing emotional support and coaching spaces for individuals in our community.
They see themselves as a perpetual student and feel deeply called to continue their own healing journey, continued (un)learning, and supporting those on the path alongside them.
They're also a big nerd. They love video games, fantasy and sci-fi novels, DnD, lore, mythology and so much more. Don't get them started!
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