about the wildseed society ecology
We Have Designed Ourselves as an Ecology
We have set ourselves up to function well in the world we want, not the world we currently live in. This is an intentional strategic decision, one that sometimes creates obstacles.
Yet all of these obstacles are worth the ability to live into our values in the here and now. They are also opportunities for our praxis to grow and become more resilient. We firmly believe that each obstacle we overcome expands the situations and context in which this system we are prototyping becomes applicable by others.

The WildSeed Society Seeks Alignment With Other Formations
In addition to organizations we created to live in alignment with our values financially, there are separate organizations who we have built alignment with over the years. These organizations have income sharing or memos of understanding that mean they support each other while remaining separate organizations with separate books and separate management.
These organizations include Everyday Feminism which was co-founded by our very own Sandra Kim who has given WildSeed Society stewardship over her share of the company. In addition, Unchained Visioning founded by our own Erika Totten has a MOU with the WildSeed Society. This allows Erika to continue her work supporting Black Women in Philanthropy while ensuring that the WildSeed Society does not become a philanthropy oriented community. Lastly, Humanitea founded by our own Chany Singh is also now a part of the WildSeed Society Ecology through our contract and MOU.Â

We have also invited the programs of different autonomous projects into our ecology. These autonomous projects are self-governing programs that are run both by members of the House of the Sacred and fellow travelers of WildSeed (folks we have met in our work who share core values) that have passion projects that they don’t want to incorporate but need administrative or strategic support to run.
These projects include #BiPolarDispatches ran by Reece Chenault, The Well Examined Life ran by Aaron Goggans, and the Nautical Liberation program ran by Peter Hardie. Most of these projects budgets are less than a hundred dollars a year though some are physically sponsored by groups outside of the WildSeed Society Ecology.
The reason that we talk about these groups as part of our ecology rather than “partner organizations” is twofold. On one hand, even though many of them are following their own missions, the work that House of the Sacred members do to support them often furthers WildSeed’s mission.Â
The other reason is because building decentralized networks of aligned communities is an important part of Wildseed Societies collective calling, labor that would often be invisibilized if we didn’t use an ecological lens.
It's important for our supporters to know that by donating to WildSeed Society you are helping keep a vibrant ecology of movement sustaining work alive and thriving. The other, more important reason is our belief in the importance of intentional social ecology.Â
Our relationship is less an alliance or partnership where we agree to share a strategy or project together, it is more that we do work that allows each other to better pursue their mission.
For instance, the WildSeed Society doesn’t have any say over what #bipolardispatches or Well Examined Life does. In fact, we sometimes disagree about what should be done or how to do it. Yet, we understand that we are all trying to build a better world and that world is better with all of us in it. We agree to look at disagreement as generative and an opportunity for transformation or experimentation.
We agree to share lessons from our experiments and be willing to be transformed by each other’s influences, which doesn’t always mean ending up on the same note together. It does, however, mean working to build a world in which all of our needs can be met with joy and dignity.Â
We are currently dreaming up ways to take ecological praxis even further.Â
WildSeed Ecology Studio
The WildSeed Ecology Studio is a radical maker's lab and world building project-- guided by the vision of the WildSeed Society and co-stewarded by movement organizations --that seeks to build a series of infrastructural interventions that would drastically change the condition under which movements struggle for a better world. More significantly it allows for building of networks of interrelated projects in which, as the Zapatistas say, “many worlds fit.”Â
In many ways the WildSeed Ecology Studio is fundamentally an alternative to philanthropy. Instead of a focus on field building, movement building, genius grants or funding “rock star” organizations too big and established for experimental and radical work, the WES would be focused on building specific, interrelated institutions designed by movement stewards to serve movements.Â
It seeks to combine:
 1. Trauma informed recovery & crisis care infrastructure that increases movement stewards capacity a & vision withÂ
2. structures for supporting life long commitments to liberation in ways that are accountable to communities withÂ
3. New ways of resourcing movements that are regenerative & not tied to donations of wealthy families in the extractive economy while
4. Building new infrastructure for protecting movements with intelligence gathering, decentralized regional crises support & wrap around support to frontline stewards.Â
Together these institutions would allow for human centered, fully democratic movements supported by trauma informed awakened care, solidarity economies, emergent movement formations and social reproductive defense. It is a strategy for building truly liberated autonomous zones of social, economic and cultural activity from which new types movement could emerge.Â
We are currently in early stages of designing this idea with our Virtual Village Community and other fellow travelers.Â
We would love to hear your thoughts!
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